Tabula Rasa

This is just funny.


May 15, 2006
Durex 'sex ring' advertisements in 7-Eleven stores could infect young minds. Remove them

I was at the 7-Eleven store at Ginza Plaza when I noticed a poster on the sale of a 'vibrating sex ring' by Durex.

The poster was placed prominently on the store front and the product advertised was on offer. Despite the fine print stating that it was for sale only to those above 18 years, it depicted the sex toy as a wedding ring. It desecrates the sanctity of marriage with such an association.

Such morally questionable products should not be advertised so prominently in a family store.

I would like the management of Durex and 7-Eleven to explain the rationale for placing such advertisements in the stores as they could infect the minds of young students.

Does the relevant government department vet such advertisments? Are there no laws to govern the display and promotion of such products?

Despite the propagation of objectionable materials on the internet, the authorities and civil society should take steps as far as possible to stop such advertisements from polluting our young minds.

Lucas Ho Wei-Jie

Commentez s'il vous plait to Monsieur Ho.

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